I hope some people just know how to understand grieving. Guess they haven't gone through such a process. Cause hell it's not as easy as chewing meat. It's more like chewing rubber! No matter how hard you chew it just won't break down...
Study and digest this! Grieving process for DABDA... and DABDA for Denial, Anger,Bargaining, Depression & Acceptance.. Words are self-explanatory. And FYI, it's not a one-way process; you jump back & forth on it. Today Denial, tomorrow you think you've Accepted but the next you're Depress again. There's no time limit for grieving....because there's no measuring on how much lost a person has especially when you valued it for a long time and valued preciously.

So please understand that I have lost a lot and I want nothing else right now but to successfully finish the back-and-forth process of grieving. Yes it's hard and people might think I need help. And yes, it should be easier to have some help. But the best help people could offer me is friendship and company, and the last thing I need is romance!
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